Friday 24 March 2017



 Hey guys!  So it's been a while since I've posted anything, mostly down to the fact I've got two little girls. A 2 month old and a 20 month old (1 year and 8 months to those of you that aren't mothers and find counting in months annoying lol). I also moved house last year and invested a lot of time building the perfect interior to my cosy little home. In addition to that I've been on a weight loss journey which took up most of my attention and was something I was fixated on that makeup 'posts' took a backseat to. But as all of you snapchaters that follow me know that my love for all things 'cake face' has far from left me.

My life now has made me dabble in many other key interests so I thought why not post about all the variants that I enjoy, such as:
  • Make-up
  • Weight loss (inc. fitness plan),
  • Outfit ideas,
  • Recipes,
  • Home decor,
  • Mummy life,
  • Restaurant reviews (I'm a weekender 😆)
  • And whatever else that goes on in my life.. as well as some 'heavy' posts on my experiences in certain situations and some fun posts relating to my previous holidays!

 If anyone wants me to delve into a certain area and post about a specific experience/review then please do let me know. I'm an over the top photo taker so my posts will always be picture heavy 😜 don't know about you guys but pictures just brighten my day.  Love you all 😘

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